#16 – Thinking about your thinking

I write to see what I think’.

I remember when I first heard this quote, I was like: this is me. As in, I literally write to see what I think, to see where my head is at.

Speaking to yourself

The person you speak to the most is yourself (in your head) and the longest relationship you have is with yourself‘.

I don’t know where I heard that, but it makes sense.

Just stop and think about that statement.

You can also think about:

What words am I speaking to and over myself?

What is my relationship like with myself?

As a person thinks, so is he

I recently started reading Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer because I realised my thinking wasn’t conducive to the life I want to live and the person I want to be.

No it's not

For as a person thinks in his heart, so is he /so he becomesProverbs 23:7. Essentially, you will become what you think about. I wouldn’t say my thinking is negative per se. But is my thinking always in alignment with God’s will for my life? Let’s say I can’t say yes. 

I feel like the mind is so poderoso because I can actually think myself into a bad mood. Or think myself into a depressive or anxious state. I could even be in my room at uni physically, but in my mind I’m back in Spain crossing the road on the way to the beach. God, you see my heart, please, will my feet touch foreign sand this year?

Thinking about my feet touching foreign sand

It’s so easy to conjure up ideas or scenarios in your mind that may or may not happen. The next thing you know, you’re basically living in your head and not your present reality. For the longest time I used to do that – live in my head. I think I did this because I didn’t like my current situation so I lived in my head to escape my reality. Also because in my head I was in control of how things turned out. 

All things are created twice

In 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen R. Covey states, ‘all things are created twice, first in the mind, then the physical manifestation of it’.

Is that not how we sin? Is that not how sexual sin happens? Does it not begin with a thought in the mind first?

Thinking about your thinking

Your thoughts actually produce fruit.

We need to be taking captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). Instead of living according to the flesh and setting our minds on what the flesh desires, as a mind governed by the flesh is death. But a mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace (Romans 8:5-6). I don’t know about you, pero yo quiero peace. Especially peace in my mind, because I have to live with it todo el tiempo.

Thinking about your thinking

One thing I realised about myself in my second year of uni was that my mind was too active. As in, too many tabs open. When I would try to sleep, my mind was just consumed with all these thoughts. I definitely used to think myself into a depressive and suicidal state.

This is when I started listening to podcasts to help me sleep (all my friends who have slept at mine know I do this). Christian meditation podcasts that would speak about Bible verses and ask questions to make you think. I still do this till this day (till this day) to help me quieten my mind. I need to focus on things that are pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8). Why not meditate on the Word of God to help you sleep?

I would say I have a fairly good/decent attention span. But sometimes, no te voy a mentir I be zoning out and my mind be wandering sometimes, especially when watching lectures. Why is it so hard to keep my mind focused on the task at hand? Lowkey blame social media.

Pues nada, Battlefield of the Mind taught me that, ‘the mind often misses what the spirit is attempting to reveal because it is too busy’. So some of these thoughts may be stopping me from hearing from God? 

God, please examine my thoughts and what’s in my heart. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you (Psalm 19:14) and not take me away from you. Help me to really slow down during the day and think about what I’m thinking about.

For more on thinking, have a read of: #73 – Overthinking everything and reframing negative thoughts part 1



I’ve been banging this song since I heard this version.

Another quote from Battlefield of the Mind: your past may explain why you’re suffering but don’t use that as an excuse to remain in bondage. I will not be in bondage to my old ways and patterns of thinking and I pray that God will break every chain and uproot anything in my life that He did not plant (Matthew 15:13).

Hollyn & TC Worship // No Bondage // Transformation Church


Battlefield of the Mind – Joyce Meyer

I haven’t even finished this book, but it has already triggered me several times and made me question my thinking patterns

7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen R. Covey

Shout out Tobi for letting me keep this book. Ask me if I’ve even finished it though. This is what I mean, I don’t know why I do this, reading so many things at the same time. Then I wonder why I haven’t finished this book. Remember that consistency is also a mindset.

How Successful People Think John C. Maxwell

This book has so many gems and practical tips you can use to help improve your thinking.


Encounter is one of the podcasts I listen to every night. It’s just so soothing and helps me focus on one thing before I sleep – the Word of God.

Encounter – Do You Talk To Yourself?

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