#24 – Stereotyping Black men and calling people out

To my young Black kings: please stay safe.

The streets ain’t safe.

Be covering yourself in the blood of Jesus.

I’m so over stereotyping Black men

Maybe it’s because I have 2 younger brothers, but it hits me differently whenever I hear about a Black boy being stabbed or even doing the stabbing. It really weighs heavily on my heart. Come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28). Yes please. I don’t like the way certain things affect me (remember no more reducing your experiences).

Listen, I’m not even going to go into Black-on-Black crime because I’m not here for it. Me personalmente I don’t like all the negative stereotyping surrounding Black men and all the hate they get. To be fair, I probably do feed into some stereotypes as well – there’s a lot of unlearning to do.

It’s not every day someone has to be dragged or exposed on the TL and don’t get me started on that ‘men are trash’ nonsense or ‘all Black men cheat’.

Rolls eyes when stereotyping Black men

I don’t know about you, but my man will not be trash in Jesus name – thank you.

Any kingdom or house that is divided against itself will not stand or will be destroyed (Matthew 12:25). So if we keep attacking these black men, as black people, how can we prosper? Are we not standing in the way of our own progress?

Calling out inappropriate behaviour

I just want better for Black men. However, they do need to act more responsibly and make wiser decisions. One could even ask, who do these boys and men look up to? Who are their role models? Rappers? Footballers? Drug dealers? Their friends? Yo no sé.

We need to discuss life choices

One thing I really don’t like is not calling people out for their inappropriate behaviour. When someone does something wrong, they need to be corrected; the LORD corrects those He loves (Proverbs 3:12). If you love someone, you would correct them as you wouldn’t want them to continue doing wrong. Mira, correcting someone doesn’t equate to writing a thread about them and exposing their life. Please, be correcting them in private first.

When I think about calling out wrong, I think about John the Baptist. You actually have to rate him: he rebuked King Herod as he married his brother’s sister, which was a sin. Long story short, John ended up being beheaded because of this! Mad ting. He must have known the consequences would be mad for calling out the king, but did he care? Claro que no. He saw something was wrong, called it out, and then faced the consequences of his actions.

It’s time to grow up

I think people are scared of consequences.

‘If I call out this person how will they respond?’ You shouldn’t care.

‘I don’t like confrontation.’ Grow up.

It's time to grow up

As in, you can’t be going through life witnessing bad behaviour, destructive and unhealthy habits and remaining silent. You’re essentially aiding in someone’s destruction. Rescue those being led away to death, hold back those staggering towards slaughter. If you say, “But we knew nothing about it,” or “it’s none of my business”, does not God who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not He who guards your life know it? Will he not repay everyone according to what they have done or haven’t done? (Proverbs 24:11-13).

Okay conviction – I see you, you see me. I need to be correcting people in love as well as using wisdom when doing so.

I feel like a lot of these young Black boys don’t know how to act because no one is telling them when they’re doing wrong. No one is actually teaching them or they’re just not trying to hear it.

I do have to say, I love seeing young Black boys on fire for God. I love the boys from the 29:11 pod. Honestly from looking at them, you wouldn’t think they speak in scripture but looks can actually be misleading. Bible, Babes, Banter is another one of my favs and it’s just refreshing to hear Christian guys talk about everyday subjects, being real but bringing it all back to Christ.

I’m tired of stereotyping Black men.

I actually just want to see all my people dem win

Love to all my young Black kings xxx



For some more thoughts on men, feel free to read this blog:

#8 – Low self-esteem and why are men so confident?


I remember hearing this song on Transformation Church when Black Lives Matter was popping. The song speaks about God healing us and not being ignorant of what’s happening around us.

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