#14 – Social media detox and managing interruptions

Como se puede ver from the title this post is about managing interruptions. We would normally try to avoid interruptions because they slow us down or we find them distracting. Pero like, what if there is a blessing in the interruption?

You need a break from social media  

So I came off all socials for the whole of January, and it was an eye-opening experience.

I’m not even active like that. I mainly use it to talk with friends, pree and laugh. But ngl the first couple of days my hands were automatically going to open the apps. These times I had deleted them off my phone.

Scrolling on social media

If you want something you’ve never had, you’re going to have to do something you’ve never done


The quote above was a strong contributing factor that led to my break from social media. I didn’t know at the time what this ‘something’ was that I’d never had before, but I knew I wanted something different in my life that I currently didn’t have. ¿Me entiendes?

Obviously, during this period, I spent a lot of time with God. I really slowed down a lot. I didn’t realise how fast-paced I was living. But ask me where I was even running to please?

Also, we in a pandemic/panoramic/pakuromo/paella/panasonic/pandemonium/pon de replay/pai au chocolat (literally all the names I’ve heard), so I’ve been spending hella time on my ones.

Managing interruptions during covid

Even though I call myself an introvert, I definitely miss interacting with people… certain people though.

One thing I’ve noticed about myself is that the more time I spend alone, the less I want to interact with certain people. Como dije antes I love and value my space and time and I really don’t like useless conversations (also some people love to talk about themselves too much – blog numero 10+11).

At the same time, show love to all people and that.

Managing interruptions

Ahora estamos en febrero and I’m back on socials. I’ve noticed I’m not even using it as much as before. Back in January, I deeped how much free time I had without socials (thank God because exam season was stressful). Now I’m trying to be intentional about how I spend my time and who I give my time to

I always have to remind myself that ‘interruptions are opportunities to show God’s love’.

I need to be better at managing interruptions. Like Jesus, I need to show compassion when people interrupt me.

Don't interrupt me

Showing compassion during interruptions

I’ve been deeping it I’ve been deeping it.

John the Baptist and Jesus were relatives.

John the Baptist was beheaded.

After hearing the news about John, Jesus went on a boat to spend some time alone.

Best believe people followed him on foot.

Remember, Jesus went away on a boat, but these people went by foot so they were clearly desperate.

When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick’ – Matthew 14:14


Jesus put his feelings aside because He could see the needs of others and knew He could minister to them. Talk about ‘in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus’ – Philippians 2:3-5.

Social media is lowkey toxic

Separately, being back on social media had made me realise how finished this world is. It’s like you can’t say anything without being attacked even if you’re spitting truth.

As in, whatever happened to freedom of speech – or is that not a thing anymore?

For example, let’s take this ‘silhouette challenge’ people be doing. Where do I even start?

If I speak I will be in trouble – for having my own opinion? Bueno. Wait me for the next blog.

Ciao xxx



‘Take it all away till all that’s left is you’.

Sometimes you need to get rid of all these other ‘seemingly important’ things to realise all you actually need – God.

Take It All Away (feat. Chandler Moore) – Maverick City Music x UPPERROOM


In this episode, Patrice talks about downsizing and the importance of re-evaluating your life. She also touches on how sometimes it’s necessary to ‘trim and cut back in order to grow’.

Redefining Wealth – The Blessing of Downsizing

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