#85 – Life lessons I learned in 2022 part 2

This is a continuation of #84 – Life lessons I learned in 2022 part 1, so if you haven’t already read it, I don’t know what you think you’re doing reading this one. Jk. But for real go read the other blog if you haven’t already.

Lesson 4: Fear is truly an enemy of progress

As in! Fear was preventing me back from doing so many things. It kept me from becoming the woman God called me to be. Whether that be fear of failure or fear of what others thought of me, I gave fear too much power over me.

I had to continuously remind myself of the famous scripture:

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind

2 Timothy 1:7

I had to and still do now, daily rebuke that spirit of fear. God said He didn’t give it to me so I don’t want it.

I don't want fear

At the last TMS live show, one of the topics of discussion was fear and I loved what Tiwalola shared:

The message I carry is so much more powerful than my fear


This is another one of the biggest life lessons I learned in 2022, that will stay with me in 2023 and onwards. In relation to my purpose and what God has called me to do, I have to remind myself that it is more powerful than my fear.

Lesson 5: Don’t be afraid to dream big

No one should even tell me I can’t have what I want. I know all things are possible with God, so no one should come and speak their little faith over me.

Don't do that

I’m aware that some people won’t understand your vision and the things you want to achieve, and that’s okay. The vision was given to YOU and not THEM. Clearly, they may not be one of your destiny helpers to help bring your dream to fruition, and that is okay. Not everyone can see what you see.

Being protective of your vision is key as well. It’s actually not everyone you need to tell. You may even find that those closest to you don’t get or believe in it, and once again, that is okay. Just use wisdom when sharing what’s in your heart.

Last year I came into contact with people that I put on my vision board at the end of 2021 and I just couldn’t believe it. People and companies that once seemed so distant are now in my proximity! Honestly, don’t be afraid to dream big. There really is nothing God can’t do.

Lesson 6: Marriage is so powerful

Marriage is so much deeper than we think. It’s not just about the wedding day, the dresses, the food etc, it’s literally a covenant. The joining together of two people to become one. Two people coming together for a purpose.

I thank God for all I learned about marriage because ngl, marriage lowkey scared me before. But now I can see how beautiful it is when done the right way and when God is at the centre of it. Now, I’m actually excited about marriage.

I'm excited about being a wife

I know I need to be mindful of the relationship content I consume. There is a lot of misrepresentation and just straight-up rubbish out there. It’s actually quite shocking when you deep it. It could even be a thing whereby you’re consuming it subconsciously, and unknowingly it’s shaping your views on relationships..

Lesson 7: I actually can’t live my life based solely on feelings

I’ve been saying this: feelings are so unreliable. Yes, they could be good indicators of what’s going on in my head, but I can’t make decisions based on them all the time.

Feelings are unreliable

For example, I may not feel like doing something even though I know it’s beneficial for me, but I still have to do it. I just need to get over myself sometimes.

I’ve also learned that in the realm of the spirit it doesn’t matter what my 5 senses are saying. I’m meant to walk by FAITH, not by sight or feelings.

This year, I really want to manage my feelings and emotions better. Hence why your girl has started reading Joyce Meyer’s book Living Beyond Your Feelings: Controlling Emotions So They Don’t Control You. I’m so here for emotional stability.

Last words and that

Here’s a quick summary of the 7 biggest life lessons I learned in 2022:

  1. Your ignorance is keeping you in bondage
  2. Don’t force the prophetic word
  3. Be obedient even when it doesn’t make sense
  4. Fear is truly an enemy of progress
  5. Don’t be afraid to dream big
  6. Marriage is so powerful
  7. I actually can’t live my life based solely on feelings




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  1. Jadé
    February 1, 2023 / 2:15 pm

    Word word word🔥🔥🔥

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