#89 – If you’re reading this it’s never too late to start

Sometimes I feel like it’s too late for me.

Like I’ve wasted so much time.

I wouldn’t say it’s a quarter-life crisis, even though I’m deffo turning 25 this year (that is a discussion for another day please). But I just feel like I’ve delayed so much.

Have I missed my opportunity?

How many opportunities have I missed?

Did I miss any?

I don’t know.

I don't know if it's too late to start

Is it too late to start? It is too late to start my passion project? Is it too late to start what God has been telling me to do? Is it too late to get married? Is it too late to fall in love? Is it too late to apologise?

Is it too late for me?

My time vs God’s time

Now that I’m thinking about it, what is ‘late’? What is the actual definition of late?

Late – After the expected, proper or usual time

If I think it’s too late for me, I’m after the expected time. So, for example, if I’m thinking it’s too late for me to start a business, what is the expected time I’m thinking about? Was my expected time last year? Or even 2 years ago? Or last week?

Who defines what the expected or proper time is?

Who decides that it's too late to start

This is the issue. I’m just thinking about myself. I’m thinking about time according to my standards and my timeline. I’m thinking about my ‘expected time’ and not God’s timing.

2 Peter 3:8 is the perfect scripture to explain God’s timing

With the LORD a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day

2 Peter 3:8

God is outside of space and time. That’s it. You can’t even comprehend it.

So it’s never too late to start.

You’re actually not as old as you think

Age is just a number. If you’re 20 but you only have until 30 then you’re pretty old. If you think you’re old when you’re 50 but you have until 100, then you’re young

Priscilla Shirer

A woman’s body clock, need I say more? They say it’s harder to have a child when you’re older, hence why when women get to a certain age they start panicking as they’re thinking: where is my husband? I want to have kids but I don’t even have a man in sight.

It's never too late to start

Abraham and Sarah. Sometimes you just need to go to the Bible to encourage yourself. Yes, science and the world may say it’s harder to have kids as you get older but what does God say about the matter? Have you asked him? Or are you just asking Google?

It’s never too late to start

Stop fixating on your age or the time you’ve wasted and just do what you know God has called you to do. Just do it – word to Nike.

Look at Jesus, he preached for 3 years! 3 years out of a whole 33 years he was on the earth. One could say he started his ministry late, but according to whom? According to who’s timing?

Even if you could say he started his ministry late, the impact of his ministry went beyond the 3 years he had. Over 2000 years later, we’re still talking and reading about what he did during those 3 years.

Nah somebody in the back needs to hear this and really deep this. Jesus was on this earth for 33 years, he started his ministry during the last 3 years of His life, and its impact has lasted over 2000 years.

It’s never too late to start.

Get ready

I remember a convo I had with a lovely friend of mine and she said that soon means get ready. I was telling her how I believe God told me something was going to happen soon, and that was 3 years ago. Then she reminded me that soon literally means get ready, and start preparing, because it’s on it’s way.

It's never too late to start so get ready

Jesus said He was coming back soon.

He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon”

Revelation 22:20

It’s been around 2000 years since Jesus was on the earth. Did the Bible lie? Claro que no.

Remember the scripture in 2 Peter 3:8 – With the LORD a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.

My mind is so amazed that it's never too late to start

Remember that soon means get ready and it’s never too late to start.

Furthermore, for more on the mind and overthinking:

#73 – Overthinking everything and reframing negative thoughts part 1



Priscilla Shirer – You’re right where you need to be

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1 Comment

  1. Jadé
    April 26, 2023 / 11:58 am

    “Soon means get ready” 🔥🔥🔥

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