#78 – Christianity and abortion: The origin of Roe vs Wade

Disclaimer: This blog touches on sensitive topics such as rape and abortion, so please be mindful when reading, love xxx

This is a continuation in the Christianity and abortion series. If you haven’t already, please read the first blog #77 – Christianity and abortion: Why are women’s rights a debate?

What is the meaning of this whole Roe vs Wade thing?

Who is Roe?

Who is Wade?

Why are they beefing?

What was the reason for Roe vs Wade

So first of all, what I’m not going to do is explain all the intricate details of the case. Mi nombre no es Google. I’ll leave you to do your own Google’s, should you wish to.

Por aquí, I’m going to share what I’ve learned and my take on it. 

The real Roe in Roe vs Wade

I feel like looking into the origins of things, and understanding how and why things began is very important. It could really open your eyes and change your perspective on certain things. 

I think the issue is that most people don’t care enough to research into origins. It’s easier to take things at face value than engage your brain and think beneath the surface. 

Bueno from what I’ve read, Roe was actually a woman named Norma McCorvey.

Now what struck me immediately after reading her story is how she lived a very troubled life.

She did not have an easy childhood at all. Her father left the home when she was young, so her violent alcoholic mother raised her. She got married at 16, had her first child at 18, later began to identify as a lesbian and had her second child at 20, who she placed for adoption. So we can already see that this was a young girl who had been through a lot. 

Life can be so hard

When she was 21, she became pregnant again (the third time) but wanted an abortion. However, she lived in Texas and in that state, abortion was legal only if the mother’s life was in danger. Long story short, this child became the centre of the Roe vs Wade case.

Side note: she didn’t actually have the abortion but put the child up for adoption. The child is very much alive and well, and later found out she was the child at the centre of the case. I can’t even imagine what that must have felt like. 

Nah, but imagine knowing you were the child at the centre of this massive case. Trigger warning, but imagine knowing your mother wanted to abort you. 

Do you know what that would do to a person?

Let me not digress sha.

What about those who were raped? 

So according to what I’ve read, Norma claimed she was raped. Then this resulted in her becoming pregnant with her third child. But she later said this was a lie.

This is very important to note because in discussions surrounding abortion, people like to bring up the worst-case scenario: rape.

But what about the ones who were raped? 

Please watch this video that gives such an excellent answer to this question.

Personally, I’m thinking, is rape really the main reason for women wanting an abortion?

I’m not minimising the fact that there are numerous women who have been raped, I know people myself. It is such a wicked thing that I would not wish on anyone.

For a woman who was raped and became pregnant, it may feel like there is no-win scenario. She may think that if she has the child, she would resent them because they would be a constant reminder of what happened to her. Or she could consider aborting the child, which could also affect her mentally, especially at a young age. 

Ngl, it’s a tough one. Once again, please watch this video for a more in-depth explanation.

Either way, just know you can never be too far gone for God to heal or help you.

So, what happened to Norma?

She ended up writing an autobiography, as most people do. I think it’s good she shared her side of the story.

Imagine, she later joined anti-abortion movements and was very vocal about it. Then later claimed she never supported them and they paid her to do it.

She sadly died in 2017 of heart failure.

Why do I share this?

I want you to have a better understanding of who Roe was, Norma McCorvey, and how confused she seemed. As in, she was just a young broken girl who they pushed into the limelight. She really didn’t ask for any of it.

I’m just like, why would they use such a young girl, with her history, in the Roe vs Wade case?

But why get an abortion?

I think one of the main reasons people get an abortion is because they don’t feel prepared or they don’t want a baby. 


I get it from the perspective of a mother that already has children and doesn’t want anymore. But for those that aren’t married and aren’t in a committed relationship…

People not in a committed relationship but having sexual intercourse

Now let’s get deeper.

Can we talk about the root of the issue when it comes to people getting an abortion?


That sin being sex before marriage

Fornication, adultery, rape. All of them man.

But some people don’t want to hear it. They don’t want to have that conversation. 

If you’re ready for it, keep reading the next blog in the series: #79 – Christianity and Abortion: Child Sacrifice



This is the video I mentioned earlier on in the blog. One thing about Tiphani is that she’s gonna keep it real and raw. So many people need to see this video so their eyes can open.


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  1. Anonymous
    August 3, 2022 / 10:53 am

    Itís hard to find well-informed people for this subject, but you seem like you know what youíre talking about! Thanks

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