#5 – Being patient and wanting what you can’t have…yet

One of the dangers of writing is that God can really use your own words against you.

God will remind you of your own folly when you don’t listen to your own advice, inspired by Him.

I know that whatever I’m going to write now I will deffo be coming back to again and again.

I'm scared

Wanting what God is already going to give you

I swear sometimes when I look back over my journals I know it’s the Holy Spirit holding my pen or on my keyboard because I really have no idea how I write certain things.

I have learned to not quench the Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:19) and be ready to receive and hear whatever God is telling me and laying on my heart. Even though sometimes it’s scaryyyyy and I’m not trying to hear it.

Pues nada (sorry but I’m going to start adding small small Spanish here and there because this is actually how I think), I’ve been reading this book called Redeemed Like David: How To Overcome Sexual Temptation. I’m just here minding my own business, reading the book and then I came across this statement that l rephrased to make it more personal to me: “The devil will try to make you take for yourself what God is already going to give you”.

The devil will try to make you take for yourself what God is already going to give you.

When I read or hear something profound I just have to pause and look around my room and I’m like wow.

God what are you trying to tell me through this? I’m like wow, God you really took it there, unprovoked.

Wanting what you can't have
Wanting what you can't have

Take time and be patient

Now some context for the quote: it’s based on Matthew 4 after Jesus was specifically led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. Bear in mind that Jesus had just finished fasting and praying for 40 days and 40 nights. We all know the story (if you don’t have a read of Matthew 4 please, there’s so much to learn from this short passage). The devil probably thought that Jesus was feeling weak and tired so would easily fall into his trap. No sir, he forgot who he was dealing with.

The devil tried to make Jesus seek temporary satisfaction by turning stone to bread. He wanted Jesus to prove that God cared about Him by protecting Him if He fell, and was supposedly going to give Him the kingdoms of the world.

Instead, Jesus was able to respond with the Word (reinforcing the importance of reading your Bible people) and didn’t give in to temporary satisfaction. Jesus knew the promises of God and all that God was going to give Him. Side note: Jesus is such a perfect example of being able to look past your current circumstance and look towards heaven, towards the reward that awaits you (Hebrews 12:2-3).

Then I started thinking about my life.

Deeping life

Why are you running?

Wanting what you can't have

What am I in a rush to get?

What am I impatient about? (Don’t rush, slow touch…joking joking).

It’s hard to fathom but God really is outside of time (what does that even mean tbh). So who do I think I am to try rush Him?

The same person who created the whole earth… how can I know better?

Please, talk about being humbled real quick.

What are you trying to take for yourself before its time, that God is already going to give you?

Do you find yourself wanting what you can’t have?

Do you find yourself wanting what you know you can’t have?

Or are you wanting what you can’t have yet?

My prayer is that I don’t settle for something out of impatience because an inheritance claimed too soon will not be blessed at the end (Proverbs 20:21). Yikes.

Baby girl (or boy) enjoy the process. Enjoy the journey, whatever it may look like.

Just be patient – this is definitely easier said than done.

Longing for relationships

So let’s talk a little about relationships then because por qué no ?

Insecure Molly wedding | Wanting what you can't have yet
Side note: I was honestly so happy for Molly when she got married in Insecure

Why is everyone in such a rush to get into a relationship and ‘settle down’ as if all their problems will end when they get a spouse?

I think this idea of your life becoming ‘perfect’ when you find ‘the one’ will lead to people settling for a person that is not for them. Also potentially becoming depressed and experiencing unnecessary heartbreak due to messing around with someone who will not be their husband/wife (cheeky little reference to this blog about heartbreak).

God really does know the desires of our hearts, but we need to be careful that we are not being led by the flesh.

Each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire, then desire when conceived gives birth to sin, and when sin is full grown, gives birth to death (James 1:14). That scripture is scary. I personally feel like in this search for a spouse you need to ensure you’re not being led by lust because ultimately that could lead to sex before marriage – myth.

We need to crucify our flesh daily and take the focus off ourselves and focus on God. He reigns and is sovereign. He actually knows the right person for you…but what if you’re not even meant to get married and end up single forever… God forbid (please but ultimately your will be done Lord, you see my heart).

All this talk of relationships brings me onto my next statement. I found it in the same book and it really scared me:

One of the greatest forms of love is to allow yourself to need another person.

I’ll give you time to think about that. I need to think about it and ask God what that statement means. What does it mean to me?

To find out more about my thoughts on the statement read this article: #7 – What does it really mean to love someone?



These two songs are about God basically doing what He needs to do in your life. Declaring that He reigns and He is in control.

Whatever Your Plan Is – Josie Buchanan

Our God Reigns – Edward Rivera & the McClures:

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