#19 – Uni is hard but I’m not complaining anymore

“So how’s uni?”

People should actually continue to ask me this silly question.

How are things at uni?

Honestly, I’m tired. I’m scared. I just want to sleep.

Uni is hard and I just want to sleep

Anticipating the hard work

I feel like with me, I tend to anticipate the hard work before it’s even started. This is both a positive and negative. A positive in the sense that I’m mentally preparing for the work to come and start planning and organising to ensure I complete everything to the best of my ability. Whereas in the negative sense, I tend to worry about upcoming deadlines that are always in the back of my mind, instead of focusing on whatever I’m meant to be doing at that current moment in time. Now I think about it, it’s a bit counter-productive because surely if I’m planning in advance I shouldn’t be worrying about the future right?

Sometimes I don’t know why I put so much pressure on myself to do well. But why not?

Why not?

Even from a young age, I’ve always been self-motivated, especially in my education. I was the child who did my homework without my parents telling me to and even did extra homework. Honestly, I don’t know what I was thinking at the time pero Gracias a Dios porque it’s clearly paid off.

Why not do something to the best of my ability?

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as though you are working for the LORD (Colossians 3:23). This scripture reminds me that I need to honour God with my education and be grateful to even be in uni. I need to give thanks in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Going to uni is actually a luxury to some in different parts of the world.

But why is uni actually so hard?

Why is uni so hard sometimes?

Why can’t I just do the bare minimum and secure that 1st?

Also, why do we like to compare who’s got the most work to do? It’s actually not a competition. Why do we like to boast sometimes about how many pieces of coursework or deadlines we have? Society has championed this type of ‘struggle culture’ mentality, where it’s seen as an advantage to have more work to do. Uni is hard enough as it is. But it’s like a badge of honour to seem as if you’re struggling. As if you’re better than someone because you have more on your plate.

When you have too many responsibilities

Por favor,más trabajo = más responsabilidad. More responsibility = having to manage your time even better to ensure you have a good balance and complete everything required. Are you ready to do that work? Even these times the responsibilities that you’re complaining about, are you not the same one who prayed to be in the position you’re currently in? When I grow up, I wanna see the world, drive nice cars…be careful what you wish for cause you just might get it. This song was a banger growing up, I hope the Pussycat Dolls are good.

Trusting in God while in uni

Shout out to Prince Harry (not the real one) for reminding me that ‘when I come to the end of myself it’s a good thing as it means that I can’t boast that I’ve done it on my own.

Uni may be hard but I know that I can trust in the Lord with all my heart and don’t need to lean on my own understanding (Proverbs 3:5). If I feel like I’m lacking wisdom in any area of my life, I can just ask God for wisdom (James 1:5).

One of my mottos/goals this year is to not get caught up in life that I forget the reason I have life and who gave me life. It’s already February, and it’s like I forgot that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13). He who called me is faithful and HE will do it (not me). The One who calls me by name is trustworthy and will thoroughly complete his work in me (1 Thessalonians 5:24). I know that it’s only God who has kept me this far and He isn’t going to leave me now.

Slow progress is okay

I always have to remind myself that it’s progress over perfection. I need to see that again – progress over perfection. Oftentimes I delay starting something as I want it to be perfect, but sometimes you just have to start.

I need to ‘stop looking at the details and look at the bigger picture’ my friend Tobani said to me once. It’s so true because it’s so easy to get distracted by all these little tasks that you forget what you’re actually meant to be doing.

Lastly, it all goes back to the mind and changing my mindset towards university. Your thoughts affect your words and actions. Just because I’m struggling that doesn’t mean I should give up, but instead see it as an opportunity to build resilience. You don’t need to deny your feelings but acknowledge that God will continue to give you the strength you need to finish strong.

You’re doing a good job sweetie and I’m so proud of you for whatever you’re currently working on/working towards.

10 tips for anyone struggling

  2. PLAN, PLAN, PLAN (as Chels says I’m the planning queen). I tend to plan weekly and now monthly
  3. Be realistic and flexible with planning and allow time for interruptions
  4. Don’t be afraid to say no to things that you don’t want to do
  5. Be honest about how you’re feeling with friends. Share each other’s burdens and in this way obey the law of Christ – Galatians 6:2
  6. Listen to your body – take breaks please and eat properly
  7. ‘All work and no play makes a dull child’ is something my mum said a lot – make time to socialise
  8. Do not disturb is your best friend (don’t feel bad about not answering a call)
  9. Use the Bible app to bookmark scriptures and put them in categories. For example, if you find a verse about strength, bookmark it, then label the bookmark as strength.
  10. Sleep please, I don’t believe in this whole ‘I’ll sleep when I’m dead’ anymore. I’ll like to sleep now thanks.


  • Notion – This has been a game-changer for me, from writing summary notes to creating a timetable and just admin for my life it’s an amazing tool
  • Microsoft To-Do – This is an app that is synced on my phone, iPad and laptop that I use to write down my daily to-do list, goals for the week, month, and year


‘The one who does impossible, his life is flowing through my veins’ what a ba.


Proverbs – If I feel lazy sometimes I just have to read a couple of scriptures (Proverbs 21:25, Proverbs 10:4)

Boundaries – John Townsend, Henry Cloud (Haven’t read it yet, but I’ve heard nothing but great reviews)


Thank God that I’ve learned the importance of saying no to things that make me ‘busy but not profitable’. If people feel a certain type of way after I’ve explained my reason for saying no what’s my own.

Redefining Wealth – I’m Not Above Backing Out

Patrice Washington – How To Say No Quickly and Gracefully

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