#79 – Christianity and Abortion: Child Sacrifice

This is a continuation of #78 Christianity and abortion: The origin of Roe vs Wade in the Christianity and abortion series, so if you haven’t read it yet, get to reading xx

I ended blog #78 by explaining that the root cause of abortion is sin – various kinds that is. But at the end of the day, sin is sin

Is abortion selfish?

I think another reason for getting an abortion is selfishness.

Am I not showing compassion? 

Scratching head
Claro que si everyone has their own reasons for getting an abortion, but one could say it’s rooted in selfishness. 

I even found this interesting quote from an article, From the world’s perspective, children are a drain on our material and psychological resources. From the Christian perspective, there is no more profound political act than taking the time for children’. I’ll leave you to ponder on that one still.

I’m just going to say this: from my perspective, yes my perspective (I had to repeat it for the people in the back). A lot of people my age, in fact, let’s say from 16 to 25, are out here doing the tings and having sex. Whether it be protected or unprotected, I would say most of them don’t want children at this current age, even though they are still having sex. Then if girls do happen to become pregnant, an abortion is an easy way to get rid of the baby.

I’m sure a lot of women have had an abortion because they didn’t feel ready for a child. But can you ever feel ready for a child? I guess you can have certain things in place, like finances etc, but to feel 100% certain that you’re ready for a baby. Yo no sé.

Shrugs shoulders

Abortion = Child sacrifice?

So, the Bible doesn’t explicitly mention abortion, but it does mention child sacrifice.

But what does abortion have to do with child sacrifice? 

Have you ever considered that they are the same thing?

Let me explain. A woman may consider an abortion because she doesn’t feel ready to have a child as she is doing well in her career and doesn’t want a child to slow her down (a very valid reason). If she has an abortion, we could consider this as her sacrificing her child for her career. Me entiendes?

Molech worship

Back in the OT (Old Testament) – pause.

Pause, before we dive into child sacrifice

I know some people have their own views of the OT and the NT and how the OT is irrelevant, etc. Each to their own conviction sha, but please just follow me here and don’t close your heart to what I’m trying to share xx

In Leviticus 18:21 it states, ‘Do not give any of your children to be sacrificed to Molech, for you must not profane the name of your God. I am the LORD’.

But who is Molech?

He is a pagan idol that people would sacrifice their children to. They would either burn their children to death before it or pass the child between two fires. Very wild innit.

Child sacrifice is very wild innit?

Now going back to the scripture in Leviticus. The verses prior in Leviticus 18:6-18 all speak about not having sexual relations with your family members, etc. Then in verse 21, we see the statement about not sacrificing your children. After doing some research and reading some commentaries, I found out that child sacrifice to Molech was a method to kill illegitimate children. Essentially, a method to kill the fruit of the immoral sexual conduct God spoke about.

If you’re not connecting the dots in your head, don’t worry I will explain it to you.

One of the major arguments I see for women being pro-abortion is because of cases of rape. Hello, this is the type of immoral sexual conduct God warned us against. 

So back in the day, people used to kill illegitimate babies via Molech worship and people are still doing the same thing now via abortion….

No condemnation 

If we look further on in Leviticus 20:1-5, it details what should happen to those who sacrifice their children to Molech. God says that they should be put to death and that He will turn his face against them. It later goes on to say that if members of the community close their eyes when someone sacrifices their child to Molech, God will set His face against him and his family. Brazyyyy.

The whole point of this blog isn’t to condemn anyone. I’m not trying to condemn anyone who has had an abortion or those who encouraged someone to have an abortion. But this is just to open your eyes to see the magnitude of what is going on.

Side note: even the name Molech translates as ‘king of shame’. 

Some may say I’m thinking too deep and taking the Bible too literally. I’m sorry, but life is deep. Life is real and very serious. There’s so much going on around us that we don’t know or understand. Don’t let ignorance keep you in bondage.

There is hope and freedom 

Molech is the spirit you make a covenant with when you have an abortion. As a result of this, you will begin to see certain patterns and things happening in your life. For more on covenants and how they work, please watch this video.

But you can experience freedom. The steps include forgiving yourself, repenting, and praying.

Feel free to watch this video that explains the process and includes prayers you can pray along with.

A lot of people are in bondage and feel stuck in life, and this is because they are ignorant. Through knowledge, the righteous will be delivered (Proverbs 11:9). This scripture really says it all.

Don’t act oblivious to what’s going on around you and don’t just take things at face value.

Read on for next blog in the Christianity and abortion series:



Here are the 2 videos I linked to earlier on:

This was a very interesting interview: they touched on Black Lives Matter in the church, abortion and revivals.


The title of this podcast is too juicy. I love the way Tovares dissects parts of her interview, and does so without condemnation.


There is hope in Jesus, our present help and redeemer. As long as I am still breathing, there is hope in Jesus:

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