Hi, hello.
This is interesting.
This is my first official blog post that I might let people read. Might. I’m not too sure yet. But I guess if you’re still reading then obviously I’ve allowed you to have insight into the random thoughts that go through my head, for example never experiencing heartbreak.
It’s currently 3:58 am in Manor Park student accom in the University of Surrey on Saturday 5th December and your girl is still wake because why not? Joking, I was doing this silly – actually no, I need to stop speaking so negatively.
Let’s rephrase that: your girl was doing some challenging coursework, but we thank God because I feel like I’m finally beginning to understand what I’m doing. Bear in mind the deadline is on Tuesday. Lool.
Anyway I digress. See this is actually how my mind works, I came to this document to speak about a specific topic and now I’m just waffling.
Heartbreak 💔
All these love songs be talking about ‘you’re my other half’, ‘without you I can’t breathe’.
Huh, sorry?
Like I understand loving someone so deeply, but to say you can’t survive without a person is actually a scary thought.
When you deep it you were actually surviving well before you met them so surely you will survive if they ever go. Moretime (idc that’s a word), in the Bible it even says that in heaven there is no marriage (Matthew 22:30), so no husband and wife . So one could ask what’s the point of marriage if it’s not for eternity?
Then what’s the point of anything?
What’s the point of being on the earth and working everyday if you’re not going to be doing it for eternity?
Some food for thought. (Sorry that saying sounds so silly but I really like it)
Back to heartbreak.
I don’t know if it’s a good or bad thing that I have never experienced heartbreak as I’ve heard people say that everyone needs to experience heartbreak at least once. But what do people even know?
Also from most of the heartbreak stories I’ve heard, it tends to occur mid to late twenties. Scaryyyyy. I’m really 22 right now…
I just pray that I’m sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and walk in obedience in order to avoid any unnecessary heartbreak.
On one podcast I listened to they basically said how some people will be depressed (and experience heartbreak) because they’re messing around with someone who they know will not be their husband/wife…
I’m just going to leave it here.
Adios xxxxxx