#11 – Actively choosing to surround yourself with good people

I feel like I’m such a sponge in the sense that I pick up on so many things from people, especially when I’m around them a lot, hence why I choose to surround myself with good people. Thank God I’m able to use discernment and pick up good habits and certain mannerisms from people. However, I wonder what negative traits I may pick up from people without even realising it 🤔.

I am conscious about picking and choosing what I can learn after observing and spending time with my friends. This is why I’m so cautious about who I spend time with and who I allow to have access to me. 

The company you keep will have an impact on your development as a person.

I also know that I’m a prize, my time and space are precious to me and I don’t like wasting them.

Yes, we love a self-love queen who knows her worth.

Yaaaas to surround yourself with good people

Who really knows you?

With all of that being said about me noticing things about others, one could ask: who picks up on the things that I do 🤷🏽‍♀️?

Do you surround yourself with good people?

Who notices things about you?

Do you have people close enough to you to see when you’re in pain even when you don’t want to say it?

Who’s close enough to you to see your brokenness?

Who knows what you’re really afraid of?

Who’s close enough to you to know when you’re in bondage?

Who’s close enough to you to speak truth into your life?

Are you close enough to people to see the brokenness in them?

Do you even care about the brokenness in the people around you?

Who are you actually close to?

Who really knows you?

Surround yourself with good people  

Some of the questions above are from a sermon series in my uni church called ‘Restoring Relationships’. This was way back in 2019, and si todavía no lo sabías, that year was one to remember 🥲 (see #9 – Surviving 2019: Remembering one of the most challenging years.

Boy o boy, that series was tough! Every Sunday: tears. 

Crying girl

I began to ask myself questions that I had never thought of before, such as those mentioned above. All the answers were either: ‘kind of’, ‘no’ and ‘no one 😞.

Personalmente, I’ve found that having good, Christ centred friendships is key. Having people who can pour into you and remind you of who you are, your identity in Christ, especially when you can’t see it.

These are the people who should be able to see when something is off with you. They should be able to cover you in prayer. These are the people you should allow to be close to you.

At the same time, I understand that not everyone is fortunate enough to have many Christian friends, even though they desire some. Hopefully, through reading this blog and interacting with this community, that will change 🤗 xxx

Grateful for the friends you have

I will continue to scream about being intentional with the friends you have and I’m so grateful for my close friends. I really love telling them how much I appreciate them because I’m all about giving people their flowers while they can still smell them.

Some friendships aren’t two-way as well which can be annoying because – I’m sorry but some people honestly just love the sound of their own voice. It’s a thing whereby you may know them really well, but you’re just thinking: you actually don’t know me. You don’t know who I be!

You don't know me
(This girl is giving them secondary school girls with lots of attitude for no reason)

To conclude, I hope you evaluate the company you keep and try to surround yourself with good people xx



This song reminds me that God made me and ultimately, He really does know me:

He Made Me, He Loves Me – Ben & Noelle Kilgore

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