#32 – Trust issues in relationships

How do you even know if you can trust someone?

You never really know someone’s true intentions.

This is what makes trust so hard, causing trust issues in relationships.

Trust issues in relationships

People are unreliable

We already know that human beings are not perfect.

We shouldn’t put our trust in mere humans. They are as frail as breath. Don’t think too highly of them, they are only humans who have not stopped breathing yet

Isaiah 2:22

To all the people who scream that they don’t need anyone as everyone is fake and they can’t trust anyone – you need to heal. Por favor, you deffo need people in your life.

I feel like the scripture above is saying that you shouldn’t put your trust in humans to save you. But instead, put your trust in God as He is the only one who can save you. It’s easy to put so much pressure on humans, but we need to remember that everyone has their weaknesses and no one is perfect. You can’t expect people to be perfect. You can’t expect people to be everything to you. They are not your God. God is the only one who is fully reliable and dependable.

Trust issues in friendships

I’m sure you have certain people in your life that you can confide in and you don’t even have to tell them not to tell anyone about what you’ve just mentioned. There is already a level of trust and confidence built.

However, if you were to give a disclaimer and tell the person not to tell anyone, does this reveal a lack of trust in them? Do you not trust them to keep quiet about what you just shared?

Trust issues in relationships

There’s levels to friendships and the nature of my friendships differs with different people. Trust is a big thing for me because if I can’t trust you then what’s the meaning? How are you even my friend?

I’ve come to learn that I’m a very expressive person but it’s not everyone that I need to and should even express how I’m genuinely feeling to. I love having real and raw conversations and I need to trust that if I share my heart or feelings with you, you won’t go and be shouting from the rooftops. Pero even then, why must you feel the need to share what was told in confidence? Why do you want to be a chatty patty?

Trust issues in relationships

In the area of relationships and all of them fun things, trusting someone with your emotions and essentially your heart is the ghetto.

You’re trusting that this person that you’re basically investing life with, won’t hurt you. Whew chile. You’re trusting that this person genuinely cares and loves you and won’t wake up one morning and leave you (I don’t understand how people be doing this). Essentially you’re trusting that this person is being honest with you about how you make them feel and what you mean to them. You’re trusting that this person genuinely loves you.

Trust in business

Business? Los negocios? This is a new area for me that I’m learning a lot about (shout out GPE). When forming a partnership with someone you’re trusting that this person has a genuine interest in the business and wants to see the business succeed right? But when money is involved you sometimes see a different side to people, or the ‘real’ side to people as some will say. How does one even know if they can trust this person they’re about to do business with? Does this person truly believe in you or are they just seeing dollar signs in their eyes when they look at you?

Trust issues

In general, can you ever really know a person? Nah you can’t still, but God does. God is the only one who truly knows us. He knows our thoughts (that is so mad when you deep it, God knows the things in your mind that you would never even verbalise). But knowing this gives me comfort because I know God knows the heart of man. God examines and weighs the heart of people (Proverbs 16:2). So if I don’t know if I can trust someone and I’m feeling sceptical or fearful about it I know I can go to Him.

After reading the book of Proverbs I learned the importance of discretion and sound judgement, which are some of the benefits of wisdom. In this life you can’t always take things at face value because in all the areas I mentioned: friendships, relationships and business, people would always want to put their best foot forward.

I wouldn’t say I find it hard to trust people, but I do sometimes analyse how people move to determine whether I can trust them. Also I do pray for discernment and for God to guide me because when trust is broken – myth.

You can find that you may want to trust someone but you need to actually think about whether they even have the capacity for it. I remember hearing somewhere, I think from Patrice Washington how sometimes we can elevate people prematurely in life, then we wonder why they let us down. But if we’re being lead by the Holy Spirit, hopefully this will prevent us from doing that as we’re being lead by the One who knows more than us.



Sorry but Justin Bieber where have you been? He just came out of nowhere with this gospel album. I’m loving this song, it’s giving me gospel/afrobeats:

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