#15 – Being a hoe, reclaiming your hoe-ness and body positivity

You see this world we’re living in – very scary.

The impact society and culture have on us, both subconsciously and even consciously, it’s a lot.

It’s not everyday skin out

Me personally, I’m all for body positivity, being comfortable in your body and all of them tings. It’s definitely been a journey for me though.

I’m someone who grew and matured way too quickly for my age. I feel like I didn’t get to enjoy being a child for that long for this reason, qué lástima pero Dios siempre es bueno.

Anyways, for the longest time, I used to be really insecure about my body. Can I just say body dysmorphia is real! When I look back at pictures from 1st year uni, I can’t believe I thought I was fat.

(insert image here of me in 1st year uni and me now) – looool, I am not doing that.

I don’t really remember how or when, but I became more comfortable in my body. If you ask my friends, they would say I used to wear string in 1st year.

Ooops sorry

Looking back now, I would tell my younger self that I don’t need to show my body to prove I’m confident. Just because I have ‘it’, that doesn’t mean I need to show ‘it’. Also, don’t sacrifice your health in order to look good. Hoes don’t get cold though? I mean, I’m not a hoe and I’ve never been one. That’s obviously why I did get cold and caught a cold.

The evolving definition of being a hoe

Back in the day, back in primary and secondary school, being called a hoe was a negative thing. But ahora society and culture have redefined this word and girls have ‘reclaimed their hoe-ness’.

According to the Urban Dictionary, a hoe is defined as ‘a person (usually a woman) who has sex with strangers/gives into flirtation from strangers and dresses extremely revealing’.

Being a hoe is for the streets

Everyone has their own definition of a hoe. But as for me, no thank you. I’m not a hoe and would not like to be considered as one. 

To me, it seems like women want to ‘take ownership’ of their bodies and ‘take their power back‘. I think they should go tru, and live according to their own convictions.

From my experience and based on my beliefs, I have learned the importance of fleeing from sexual immorality. My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, my body is not my own and I need to honour God with my body1 Corinthians 6:19-20. Deciding not to do that = serious consequences. 

Trying to live a godly life 

In this episode of 3 Shots of Tequila, one of their married friends was on the pod – Ola the comedian. Ola said how you can’t be a law unto yourself, you need to submit to something. That something is God. If you are your own standard, then you will decide what is acceptable in your own eyes. If culture is your standard/law – myth. Culture is constantly changing and I’m sorry but I can’t allow something that’s corrupt to lead me.

God has given us ‘everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him’ – 2 Peter 1:3. So, knowledge of God helps us to live a godly life. Cool. So if I’m not living a godly life I clearly don’t have knowledge of God or I’m not applying that knowledge – which is wisdom. Sn.

Now let’s keep going.

‘…through this (His promises that He has given to us in the Bible) we can participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires’ – 2 Peter 1:4. So basically, God has a way for us to escape the corruption in the world. This is very much needed because this place is the ghetto sometimes…most times…all the time.

This world is ghetto sometimes

Just bringing your body to the table

I was listening to a A Convo With Mo episode that was titled ‘Reclaiming Your Hoe(ly)ness’. They mentioned that a lot of girls, in particular Christian girls, could relate to the lyrics in Jasmine Sullivan’s song Girl Like Me:

‘It ain’t right how these hoes be winning’.

‘No hope for a girl like me’.

‘Maybe I should look like a stripper’.

‘I can’t do this good girl stuff no more’.


Culture would have you think you need to dress half naked to find the right man or woman, but es todo mentira.

One could even ask, are there even any ‘good girls’ or ‘good guys’ out there?

Celibacy who? Abstinence where?

Por favor, let’s not get tired or weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up and don’t lose heartGalatians 6:9.

Separately, if all you can offer or all you bring to the table is your body, then claro that’s going to be one of the main reasons someone wants you. Then this is where it gets muy complicado because there’s confusion with infatuation, lust, love, and like which all get intertwined – that’s a discussion for another day.



Everyone knows this song:‘my life is not my own, to you I belong’.

We love to hear it and sing it, but do we be living it?

William McDowell – I Give Myself Away 


3 Shots of Tequila – See, The Thing About Marriage Is – 234

This was probably one of the most sensible (mature content) conversations they’ve ever had on their podcast and I really loved it.


In this episode they spoke about what I mentioned in the middle of the podcast, but they also touch on fasting and things they left in 2020.

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